Friday, November 27, 2009

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is one of the most dominant golfers out there, upon interesting professional golf he was already one of the highest paid golfers, and now many people are estimating that tiger woods net worth is through the rough. Forbes has put his net worth at around 1 billion dollars, making him one of the highest paid sports stars in the world. Forbes put him past this mark after he won a tournament in early October.

Black Friday Deals

There will definately be many items out there for sale that people are looking at, however one of the most wanted items this year is the tomtom xl 325 Se, it is a GPS device that is basically all knowing. It can direct you anywhere with minimal work on your part. You should defiantely look into this device if you are in need of a GPS system, read a review at tomtom xl 325 SE review!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Yet another post about Assassins Creed 2

Well upon playing assassins creed 2 more I have discovered even more cool hidden items that can help you players out during the game, one of these cool things was assassins creed 2 statue locations, upon finding these miniature statues you are given a reward of money, this money can be used to help your assassin by new things, such as weapons, armor, or upgrades, a very good thing to have early in the game. Another cool assassins creed 2 guide is assassins creed 2 glyph locations. These don't necesarily help you out in the game however they do unlock cool "memories" which help you unravel the story behind Assassins Creed 2, all of these should help you enjoy the game much much more.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Assassins Creed 2

Well I have been busy playing some assassins creed 2, I have been discovering some pretty cool variations in the game play and I have been trying to attempt to unlock Altiars Armor, which is unlocked after finding all of the assassins creed 2 feather locations. These basically take the place of flags, which were in the previous game. You can find the feathers throughout the map and aren't extrodinarily difficult to find. You can find most of them up on the roofs of houses, there are 100 feathers in all. However these aren't the only hidden items in the game, there are also treasure chests that hold interesting treasure in them in the form of money and weapons. The assassins creed 2 treasure chest locations are also relatively easy to find however there are many of them and they don't unlock any cool items or armor. All in all I  will be very busy trying to complete this game.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Assassins Creed 2 and Borderlands

On my gaming website I have written a post about assassins creed 2 assassins tomb locations, these were very hard to find and I hope that this guide helps you guys out emensly. The tombs have cool weapons and armor in them that will help you out throughout the game. You may also be interested in borderlands claptrap locations that will give you achievements points! Also visit our brutal legend tab slab locations for more help. Hope all these guides help you out and give you some good points.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


As you all probably know I write about flaxseed quite a bit, however I am not focused solely on it, if you want a more specialized blog then I suggest you go ahead and take a look benefits of flaxseed oil, or even flaxseed oil for dogs. And as you probably guessed I am once again about to go off topic.

Furniture Liquidators

If you are looking for cheap furniture in the usual stores than you are probably not having much luck, well if you want some nice and and mint condition furniture then go ahead and visit furniture liquidators!

Modern warfare 2

Hello, this is yet another response to one of the readers wondering about modern warfare 2 killstreak customization. Here I will try to give you what I think is the best modern warfare 2 killstreak setup. The best setup that I have used so far is, predator missle, harrier airstrike, and chopper gunner. I use these because once you get 5 kills you are basically garaunteed to go all the way to 11 kills, thus getting the chopper gunner which can give you tons upon tons of kills. Please don't but the nuke on your killstreak setup as this is basically worthless unless you get 25 killstreaks pretty often...

I have also been given many questions about pro perks, if interested in learning what each pro perk does please visit modern warfare 2 pro perks!

Another off topic post about fallout 3 and krill oil

Flaxseed oil has many benefits that all can take advantage off, however I have gotten many replies from people asking about other oils or supplements that one can use to get health benefits. I did some research and it appears another healthy oil is krill oil.

Krill Oil

Krill oil is much like flaxseed oil and fish oil. Krill oil has omega 3 in it which is found in both of the other supplements. As you can probably tell by the name krill oil is made by harvesting small shrimp like creatures called krill. These are usually eaten my animals like whales. When buying krill oil make sure to only buy the most pristine and best krill oil, this type of krill oil would be antarctic pure krill oil supplements. This is very important as they are the most healthy and fresh krill oil out there.

Fallout 3

Here is yet another request from one of my viewers wanting me to write a review of a game called fallout 3. I played fallout 3 for a good time and have to say it is one of the best RPG's I have ever played. There is a whole host of weapons that you can take advantage of, however be sure to watch out for the enemy super mutants and the feral ghouls. There are many easter eggs and cool cheats sprinkled throughout fallout 3, one of these being bobbleheads, these bobbleheads help you get cool rewards and extra skill points. Be sure to check out fallout 3 bobblehead locations!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flaxseed oil and Flameless Candles

So many of you already know that flaxseed oil is great for your health, if you don't go ahead and read a few of the articles I have created, however today I want to go a little of topic and bring something up that my friend brought to my attention.

Flameless Candles

Yes I know this has nothing to do with flaxseed oil but I think it should be addressed. Many people lose power throughout the year, and many of them bring out the candles and light them as to see. However many people over look the problems that this could cause. Think about it, what if one of these candles accidentally gets knocked over and starts a fire. It could be pretty difficult to call the Fire Departement if you are out of electricity and their is a raging fire in your house. This is the great thing about flameless candles. There is almost no chance of a fire being started because of battery operated flameless pillar candles. Besides the obvious safety issues as flameless candles can help with they can also have some pretty cool effects, there are these things called flameless colored candles which can really change the mood in which ever room they are place in. Thanks for reading this off topic but I feel necessary post.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fish Oil and Flaxseed Oil and a Suprise

If you have read this blog, then you know that I believe that fish oil and flaxseed oil have many great benefits for  your body. You also know that the reason for this is because of the omega 3 oil in both. If you want to find out more about fish oil go ahead and visit, fish oil benefits, this website has a great amount of information and will help you decide whether fish oil is right for you. Flaxseed oil and fish oil have much of the same benefits. So if you choose one or another you aren't really losing too much.

Another of the oils that you may not know about are krill oil and coconut oil. Both of these are very similar to fish oil and flaxseed oil, however I feel the benefits of fish oil and flaxseed oil outweigh the benefits of the others. Another positive to these oils is that they are a lot cheaper than coconut oil and krill oil.

The Surprise

Well one thing you probably don't know about me is that I enjoy playing video games, and in 2 days one of the biggest releases ever is coming out, this would be modern warfare 2! This game is poised to break many records. If you are also a gamer feel free to stop by and read the modern warfare 2 killstreak list. Hope you have fun.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Flaxseed for Your Dog

Hey guys, today I will come to you with a post about flaxseed oil for  your dog. That's right, flaxseed oil can have some great benefits for your pet. Most of the benefits of flaxseed oil are much like the benefits of fish oil for dogs. Go ahead and learn more at fish oil for dogs. But now without further ado lets talk about the benefits of flaxseed oil for dogs.

Flaxseed Oil For Dogs

So, are you looking for a way to keep your dog healthier for longer? Well you have just come across and answer to your quest. That's right, flaxseed oil can help your dog  live a longer, healthier, and happier life.  The benefits of flaxseed oil for dogs are numerous and outreaching, so for now we will go over some of the basics.

One of the most beneficial effects of flaxseed oil is that it helps reduce the effects of "elderly diseases" these diseases include arthritis and muscle inflammation. That right, you can basically wipe these diseases away with some dosages of fish oil for dogs and flaxseed oil for dogs. The main ingredient in flaxseed that provides all of these benefits is omega-3. Omega 3 is one of the best things you can have for yourself. This has been claimed to be the miracle drub of the 21st century. Flaxseed oil for dogs also has other benefits. Another of them is to lessen the side effects of allergies. Allergies are a major drag on the life of your dog, they take the energy out of your dog and takes the fun out of life for them. Therefore if you want to increase the overall happiness of your pets life and get rid of unnecessary stress then you should give your dog flaxseed oil. Also be sure to read this great post about fish oil for dogs!

Friday, October 23, 2009

What Are The Disadvantages of Taking Flaxseed Oil

What are the disadvantages of taking flaxseed oil? As you know I highly recommend taking flaxseed oil, along with anything else that has the potential to help you live healthier and lead a more fulfilling life, but are there any disadvantages?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Flaxseed Oil Vs Fish Oil For Your Body

So you have heard the hype about both flaxseed oil vs fish oil for your body, but are wondering what can either do for your health. Well hopefully in this article we can kill some of the myths and teach you some of the facts about both the benefits of flaxseed oil and the benefits of fish oil.