Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flaxseed oil and Flameless Candles

So many of you already know that flaxseed oil is great for your health, if you don't go ahead and read a few of the articles I have created, however today I want to go a little of topic and bring something up that my friend brought to my attention.

Flameless Candles

Yes I know this has nothing to do with flaxseed oil but I think it should be addressed. Many people lose power throughout the year, and many of them bring out the candles and light them as to see. However many people over look the problems that this could cause. Think about it, what if one of these candles accidentally gets knocked over and starts a fire. It could be pretty difficult to call the Fire Departement if you are out of electricity and their is a raging fire in your house. This is the great thing about flameless candles. There is almost no chance of a fire being started because of battery operated flameless pillar candles. Besides the obvious safety issues as flameless candles can help with they can also have some pretty cool effects, there are these things called flameless colored candles which can really change the mood in which ever room they are place in. Thanks for reading this off topic but I feel necessary post.

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